“Hongmeng” was in active development since 2012 and Huawei was testing it its mobile phones hidden behind the curtains. Back in March, Huawei CEO Richard Yu, said we’ve plan B ready in case Huawei smartphones and computers can’t use Android or Windows OS following the tensions between Huawei and the US. Last week, the US imposed business restrictions on Huawei, Google also barred the company from getting software updates for its Android devices. Later on, the US temporarily removed this suspension from the firm along with its software updates restrictions for the existing users. In response to this ban, Huawei said that it was prepared for the US restrictions and it won’t affect the company.
In an interview with a French magazine, Huawei’s CEO and founder, Ren Zhengfei, has stated that the homegrown HongmengOS will be faster than Android and will have a broader application as well. It can be used not only on smartphones but on routers, network switches, tablets, computers and even data centers.